Monday, August 10, 2009

MillionaireX1's Compensation Plan Is One Of The Best Pay Plans Out There.

Yes you heard me right.

MIllionaireX1 or MX1 has by far one of the best compensation plans out there.

I have been online for 8 years now and MX1's compensation plan is the best I have ever seen. Also to help clear a few things up. Offline it seems everyone I run into has this notion that all MLM is a pyramid scheme. it is easy to see why as do to the dishonest people out there but it is more to a misunderstanding than anything else. Such can be said of compensation plans.

Find out more here.

Changes have been made while implementing the new software which is the reason for MX1 going on hold. MX7 is now the name of this business which incorporates 7 pay plans which of course includes the original product and pay plan of MX1.

Check out MX7

Let me give you some details on compensation plans.

In regards to compensation plans the seller should receive the majority of the compensation plan. Pretty much 40% to 50% of what the company makes. 50% being the ideal pay out. After all the seller is the one doing most of the work and should be compensated accordingly. Advertising takes time and money and that is what the seller is for so the seller deserves to be compensated accordingly. Compensation should also go to the seller doing the work not the person above them. An example would be a binary pay plan where it rewards percentage based on the people below you. Being the first one into a company means being the first to bring in people not leach off the efforts of others.

Be skeptical of fast start bonuses as well. For example. if a company sells a product for a $100 and keeps $50 and pays out $50. Say you get a customer and the first month the company will pay you a fast start bonus of $60 for that customer which is a one time payment bonus. What may very well happen is the next month you may only get $5. Off of a $50 pay out you should receive $20 to $30 compensation. The model above shows deception so pay attention to the fact if a company offers fast start bonuses.

Now I will discuss the pay plans. Take the unilevel compensation for instance. Though there is technically nothing wrong with it. It just means that for what ever your efforts are such as sponsoring someone they go on your level meaning for every person you sponsor goes on your level. The same for everyone else. You may earn a percentage off your downline but you really cannot help your downline in which most people do not recruit so eventually the pay plan will slow down showing very little momentum making the unilevel in my opinion a weak pay plan.

The matrix compensation plan is very popular. As in a 3x7, a 4x10, and so on. The first number is how wide your matrix is. So with a 4x4 matrix you have 4 people on your front line and they each have 4 people under them in order to fill the matrix totaling 16 people. This pay plan gets geometrically larger by 4 every time. The company with this type of pay plan may be worth promoting if it has a good product but if not you are just wasting your money.

There some pay plans that are down right scams and are illegal and you should avoid them as if you are promoting them you are just as guilty as the program owners according to the government. it is not wise to involve yourself in those types of money games as they will not last and the consequences are not worth it.

First take the Ponzi scheme. A Ponzi scheme is simply in order to pay the people that pay to come in those people are paid by the people they bring in. The Ponzi scheme may seem like any MLM or any other type of business but it is not do to the fact regarding the product.

There are two types of Ponzi schemes.

The first one being the pyramid scheme in which there is no product of real value and it is about the money not the product. The pay plan is set up like a 3 or 4 by infinity. With a 3 by infinity pay plan let us say the company pays $100. In order to receive that $100 you need three people. Well in order for those three people to get their $100 they need three people and so on. This can lead to days to months to years before you get paid again and also it is mathematically impossible. If you knew that this would work this way would you get involved? I would not.

The second scheme is the powerline. The powerline seems very fair and wonderful but you need to look beyond that to see what is really going on. Let us say there is a company that costs will pay you double or nothing on a $100 so called product. You pay $100 to join and you need to bring in three people to receive $200. That means the company gets $200 and you get $200. The company pretty much lets you do all of the work. A problem will now occur as in order for the second person to cycle the 4th through 6th person has to cycle and again you can see as this grows bigger it become mathematically impossible to make it with this program. Everyone that joins would go after you which sounds great but it is a 3 to 1 ratio meaning 3 for each other people above you before you cycle. If you were at position 1000 you would have to wait for about 75% of the people to cycle. Do you think it is worth your time and would you get involved if you knew it would turn out like that? I myself again would not.

This is probably the worst of all that I have heard and it is the stacked mini matrices. The stacked mini matrices means once you cycle your first matrix you are paid into a higher matrix. For example. Let us say you have a 2x2 stacked mini matrix plan for a product that costs $30. Once you cycle that matrix you are paid into a higher matrix with the chance to earn a larger amount of money. With a 2x2 in order to cycle you need 6 people. Once you cycle you are put into the higher matrix. In order to cycle that matrix you need 42 people. This means that your 6 people need 6 people which adds up to 42. The next matrix requires and even larger amount of people because those new 36 people now need 6 people and so on. All of the effort required to building these matrices are not worth it as the pay out is so low for something that cannot even be done. If you are involved in one I suggest you get out now.

These are only a few examples but I want to show you a compensation plan that does work and is the best I have seen in my eight years online. As I mentioned above MX1 has one of the best pay plans. That it is true and MX1's pay plan is a straight 2x2. The product is $30 a month which alone is worth joining the company even without the very generous pay plan. In a 2x2 you need 6 people. Once you get 6 people you cycle in which the company pays you $100 which is a 300% return on your investment. The company also pays for you a position in a brand new matrix. All of the profit this company makes goes back to the seller. The company can do this by something called breakage. Breakage means that some people will not act as they are there for the product and with this product a lot of breakage will happen. The owner of this company makes money like all of the sellers.

This compensation plan will out compete all other pay plans that do not follow suit as this pay plan is more than generous. In fact people that do not sponsor can still cycle. I refer to spill over of course but never rely on other people's efforts. I only mention spill over as when people start earning money without effort it can motivate them to act and the product itself will help even more.

This program will change the industry for the better and it is here for the long term.

Click here for more information.

Changes have been made while implementing the new software which is the reason for MX1 going on hold. MX7 is now the name of this business which incorporates 7 pay plans which of course includes the original product and pay plan of MX1.

Check out MX7

The owner is already wealthy so why would he need your money. This is a way to help empower people to take control of their own lives.

You can also check out Compensation Plan University Here you will find information on compensation plans and you even submit you own programs for review. This information is provided to help you make a decision on what is best for you.

Find more music like this on Compensation Plan University

If anything I recommend listening to Jennie Menn's take on compensation plans as she has been very successful in this industry for 9 years already and knows compensation plans so please listen as it will save you a lot of time and money by knowing how your program's compensation plan works. Listen to the one entitled "The Real Truth About Comp Plan."

Find more music like this on Advertopia


This is the best program the internet has ever seen so far.

Changes have been made while implementing the new software which is the reason for MX1 going on hold. MX7 is now the name of this business which incorporates 7 pay plans which of course includes the original product and pay plan of MX1.

Check out MX7

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